This dumbbell exercise improves your ability to lift objects. It also improves your physical appearance, and is an excellent addition to any fitness program.
You will probably need to use a lighter weight dumbbell for this exercise
For maximum intensity, try to extend your arms as far as possible without losing control of the dumbbells
I find that it also helps to protect your lower back by bending your knees as shown below
First read the ?How Much Weight Should We Lift In Our Strength Exercise Programs?? section before starting this workout
How To Workout Procedure
Lie on an exercise bench with knees bent and abs engaged
Hold the dumbbells over your upper body with your palms facing each other
While keeping your elbows slightly bent, lower your arms out to your sides and down until they are level with your upper body
Raise your arms back to the starting position
Do 8 to 12 repetitions
Do this exercise 3 times a week, every other day

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